Show Info: - Info included as notes in EDL Comments Clip Names - Very useful, no reason
not to use it
Patch Info Audio Info Source Table - Be sure to use this if using
'Convert to numbers'
Reel IDs: - Which reel name to use in EDL Tape - Almost
always Soundroll - Use alternate name in 'soundroll' column of source BIN
Camroll - Use alternate name in 'camroll' column of source BIN Aux Source
1,2,3,4 - Use alternate name in 'aux source x' column of source BIN

Convert to numbers - converts all reel names to CMX340 style (001, 002, etc). A very useful tool if the reel names used during digitizing are inappropriate for the output EDL format (too long, illegal characters). Be sure to use Show Info: Source Table. This includes a cross reference of the new reel names as notes at the bottom of the EDL.

Other Options:

Optimize - Edits in the sequence that would normally be joined will not be. Use this if there are edits in the middle of a sequence with some important secondary command, such as motion effects.

Show Dissolves as Cuts - Useful for film-to-tape pull lists and some audio assembly lists

Show Wipes as Cuts - same as dissolves Include Black Edits - Almost always!

Start Events at: - The event number of the first edit. This is useful if you are outputting several lists and want to distinguish them by their event numbers (List1: events 1-35, List2 events 100-47).

Switcher: - outputs wipe codes in appropriate format. Important only if wipes are used extensively.

Timecode: - Which timecode in the source BIN is used.
Address (LTC) - Almost always!
Film TC
Aux TC 1,2,3,4


* Ask your ON-LINE editor what he wants (and needs)! If you're unsure
about anything, send a test EDL to him and have him check it for obvious problems (wrong
disk or format type). This effort can save big headaches at the ON-LINE session.

* Always 'clear' the EDL and 'make list' again after changing selections. This
assures all parameters are updated. (If you don't, sometimes it doesn't all happen)

* Always use 'Dupe Reel for each Source'. ('One Dupe Reel' is only
useful for very special situations). Remember that dupe reel names have a 'B'
appended to them, and if your reel name fills the expected length (CMX - 8 chars, GVG - 6
chars) the 'B' will over-write the last letter of the reel name, confusing the
list. Again, when assigning reel name during digitization, use 5 characters if going to
GVG, 7 characters if going to CMX. If not sure, use 5 character reel names! (See:
'reel names')

* Don't use the 'Record Start Time: Other 01:00:00:00' option under normal circumstances. Change the start-time of the sequence, instead (select
the record monitor, then 'Show Clip Info' from the FILE menu). This way your
sequence matches the EDL and the ON-line. This can reduce confusion if revisions become
necessary later.

* Always Use a 6 character (or less) file name when saving to floppy.
Alphanumeric ONLY - NO spaces, '.', ',' or other strange characters!
Be careful not to allow the AVID to use its default file name, as this is not always a
legal file name.

* If you anticipate using some external EDL processor on the EDL (like
EDLMAX), output a V1234 list (all channels) in 'A' sort-mode (Record-IN). This
is the most comprehensive list. Do the channel selection, sorting and processing with the
external processor.

Minemeld Edl

Contents (top)

EDL Check List

Nov 6, 1995